Bishop Sharon P. Jones ministers along with her husband,
Bishop Arthur T. Jones Sr., at All People International
Church in Jacksonville, FL.
Married to her high school sweetheart since 1968 she
is still captivated by him and lights up when he
enters the room. As a strong example of a virtuous
woman with power to provoke and inspire change,
to challenge and motivate, many young women
look to her for motherly wisdom.
Pastor Sharon, as she is affectionately known, is an
inspirational teacher and motivational speaker expertly
organizing, conducting and lecturing at workshops,
seminars and conferences. She is often invited to
speak on issues relating to marriage, parenting and
women in leadership. Her servitude and virtue blend well to complement her role as Pastor and exemplify the character of a Bishop’s wife.
The soul of Pastor Sharon’s ministry is to admonish and motivate God’s people to allow Jesus Christ to have “First Priority” in their lives. She is one who accepts the precious privilege and awesome responsibility of seizing every opportunity to deposit the Gospel of Jesus Christ into the lives of God’s people Pastor Sharon wears many hats within the ministry and works tirelessly with her husband to help forge the ministry God has placed in their charge. She works diligently and faithfully laboring in ministry which has expanded in numbers and grown tremendously over 36 years.
She is the proud recipient of an Honorary Doctorate Degree in Divinity awarded by Truth Bible College & Seminary, and listed in “Who’s Who” for year 2000 and 2009.
Facebook: SPCJ Ministries
Instagram: @spcjministries
Twitter: @sharonjones60
Website: www.spcjministries.org
Bishop Sharon P. Jones